Provide youth and adults/families with fast access to high-quality services.
Identify and intervene in youth and adult mental health and addictions issues early through training, education, and embodiment.
Close critical service gaps for vulnerable youth and adults, children and youth at key transition points, and adults and those adults in remote and marginalized communities.
Create a community where all people have the opportunity to thrive, enjoying good mental health and well-being throughout their lifetime – a community where people with mental illness or addictions can recover and participate in welcoming, supportive, mindful and interactive communities.
Give more marginalized and vulnerable youth, adults and their families the services they need; more quickly, and more effectively to prevent and reduce the personal, social and economic costs of mental health and addictions problems.
Create awareness and education around typically unspoken mental health topics and stigmas.
Work to prevent suffering and support the road to recovery throughout the lifespan.
TEAO is a diverse group; we understand that historically, culturally, and socially racialized and 2SLGBTQQIA+ folks have experienced marginalization, discrimination and oppression because of their identities. These include but are not limited to race/ethnicity, gender, sex, sexuality, socio-economic class, cultural background, religion, spirituality, immigration status, physical embodiment, neurodiversity, and cognitive & physical abilities.
A Safer Spaces Policy is a more realistic approach to working with Trauma in the community. We understand that good intention is not enough to prevent harm and violence. Consciously or unconsciously, anyone can harm others based on their self-location and markers of privilege. We do not presume to be a SAFE space for everyone or guarantee everyone will be safe at every encounter with our allies, community organizations, and members.